The 5 Best Video Effects for GoPro and Action Camera Footage

So you’ve recently filmed a cool action video on your new GoPro and you want to make it even better by adding blockbuster special effects – well you’ve come to the right place.
Action videos are not nearly as impressive without any added special effects. When done correctly, special effects can play tricks on the eye that helps to stimulate imagined events for any kind of video production. These effects act as powerful storytelling tools, which is particularly true when you are trying to shoot an action sequence for a short film or sports video. This post will take you through the most widely-used video effects (motion blur, panning, zoom, slow motion and freeze frames) so that you’ll be able to set the mood, increase clarity, and add some overall excitement to your videos. So if you’re looking for an effective way to create visual and emotional stimulation in the viewer – look no further.
Here are 5 video effects to improve your action video:
1. Motion Blur Effect
Motion blur is often used in action videos to highlight moving objects in a video clip. This effect gives your action videos a more natural look, as viewers are accustomed to seeing motion this way due to the different shutter speeds used. In addition, motion blur is required to match the special FX elements of your video to the live action elements of your video. As a result, each frame in your action video is seamlessly blended together due to objects moving quickly.
For example, adding a car chase action sequence into your video (think Fast & Furious) requires the motion blur effect in order to make the movement of fast cars feel more natural and continuous. This effect can be easily applied to your Go Pro videos from the last ski trip, surf holiday or skate park visit. Hence, the motion blur effect increases believability and also adds a sense of professionalism to your video productions – so learn how to use this effect here.
2. Freeze Frame Effect
It is important to think about how your subject is framed in your video. The freeze frame effect allows you to focus on a particular motion still in your video, giving viewers time to absorb the beauty of the shot. The freeze frame effect is ideal for showcasing different stunts and tricks in your action videos.
A freeze frame is similar to a pause button on a remote control, which transforms a moving picture into a still image. Hence, it is often used in extreme sports videos for BMX and skating. You can easily apply freeze frames to your GoPro videos, whether it’s your son’s first skateboard ollie, your daughter’s first-time skiing down the slopes, or your first scuba diving experience – learn how to add the effect to your videos here.
3. Slow Motion Effect
Portraying action videos in slow motion will give your viewers an opportunity to admire what’s happening in high-octane and high-speed footage (think The Matrix). This effect is particularly useful when you want to focus on specific details in your video because it is impossible for the human-eye to capture everything at normal speed. It is also great for promotional videos highlighting your products or services. Think about how advertisers and event planners often use slow motion to depict the joyous consumers at a sporting event, nightclub or concert.
Now you can also easily apply these effects to your own Go Pro action videos with this helpful video editing tutorial. There’s a reason why T.V shows like Baywatch have used this effect so successfully…
4. Zoom Effect
Too often do we film objects at an inappropriate distance, making it hard for the viewers to see the main point of the video. The zoom effect allows you to directly focus on the subject of your video by providing a much closer look. This effect is also particularly useful for exciting documentaries or long motivational monologues – so learn how to apply the effect here.
5. Pan Effect
If you want to impress your audience and keep them interested, you’ll want to display your video from different angles. This is especially true for sports action videos, where it is important to pan across the field to show different highlights and replays. Video panning has been used in most award-winning blockbusters; from the little boy riding the tricycle in The Shining to the memorable hallway scuffle in Oldboy, the panning effect was used to take the audience across an action-filled narrative.
So don’t worry if you don’t have a dolly because you can learn how to use the pan effect right here.
To learn more about how to edit action videos using PowerDirector, you can access a wide range of step-by-step video tutorials with our comprehensive learning center. Also take full advantage of our Action Camera Center to make editing Go Pro video even easier! What are you waiting for?
If you don’t have PowerDirector, you can purchase it via this link!
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